Enrollment in Saint Michael College of Allied Health Associate of Applied Science Degree in Nursing is open to applicants who have graduated from an accredited high school or have obtained their GED. Students must be 18 years old prior to taking the National Licensure Examination. All rights, privileges, programs, and activities in the program are made available to all students regardless of their religion, gender, race, color, and national origin.
Credential Evaluation Agencies
- Educational Credential Evaluators Inc. (ECE) P.O. Box 514070, Milwaukee, WI 53203 | Tel: +1 (414) 289-3400 | Email: | Web:
- World Education Services (WES), Bowling Green Station, P.O. Box 5087. New York, NY 10274-5087 | Tel: +1 (212) 966-6311 | Web:
Location: Virginia and D.C. Campuses
Application forms can be obtained at Saint Michael College of Allied Health.
Applicants will be considered for admission to Saint Michael College of Allied Health Associate of Applied Science (Nursing) after successfully completing the following requirements:

The student academic year varies according to the student’s month of entry into each program.
Academic Requirements
Provide an official, translated high school transcript from an accredited high school or GE.
Achieve a Reading Comprehension Score of 75% or higher and a math score of 70% or higher on Evolve Reach Admission Assessment Exam. The Evolve Reach Admission Assessment Exam (A2) uses a 50 item Math exam, which focuses on the math needed for calculation of drugs and solutions. This exam indicates students’ basic math skills at the eighth and ninth grade level. .
The Evolve Reach Admission Assessment Exam (A2) also tests reading comprehension with health-related scenarios. This exam tests reading comprehension at the eighth to ninth grade level.
The program admission assessment is administered after the students have completed the 27 general education credits .
In order to be admitted directly to the nursing program, students must provide an official translated transcript of 27 credit hours of pre-nursing courses listed below from a national or regional accredited institution.
Have all non-English credentials and transcripts translated and evaluated by SMCAH approved
Submission of an official transcript of 27 college credits will exempt an applicant from providing an official high school transcript but must show proof of high school diploma completion for Financial Aid Eligibility.
- Anatomy and Physiology, I with Laboratory (4 Credits)
- Anatomy and Physiology II with Laboratory (4 Credits)
- Microbiology with Laboratory (4 Credits)
- English Composition I (3 Credits)
- Research and Literature (3 Credits)
- Philosophy (3 Credits)
- General Psychology (3 Credits)
- Developmental Psychology ( 3 Credits)
- College Mathematics (3 Credits)
Submit a completed application form and application fee.
Transfer students must maintain a 2.5 GPA from previous colleges/universities. Science courses such as Anatomy & Physiology, College Math and Microbiology courses completion time must not be older than five years at the time of admission to the college. Advance standing will not be granted to an applicant who has withdrawn from other nursing programs.
Candidate Acceptance Procedure

The Admissions Committee is responsible for reviewing all applications and documents for admission. SMCAH admissions committee is made of 3 to 4 nursing faculty members who work together to make decisions about who is accepted as part of the next matriculating class.
Selection Process includes the applicant’s academic history such as prerequisite and college-level coursework, pre-admission test results and references. To be seriously considered, applicants must:
- Achieve a Reading Comprehension Score of 75% and a math score of 70% on Evolve Reach Admission Assessment Exam (higher scores carry more weight in the selection process).
- Earn A’s and B’s in all prerequisite coursework Exam (higher grades carry more weight in the selection process).
- Earn A’s and B’s in academic courses relevant to the Nursing program curriculum (especially A&P, Microbiology and College Mathematics).
- Evaluate recommendations from individuals who know the applicant strengths, particularly as related to becoming a nurse.
Successful applicants who are granted admission into the Associate of Applied Science (Nursing) are notified in writing. The successful applicants are required to return a signed copy of the application form and $75.00 application fees to the school’s admissions office two weeks before the start of classes. Admission is granted to qualified applicants who have met all the admission criteria and standards published in the catalog.
Location: D.C. Campus
Enrollment in Saint Michael College of Allied Health Practical Nursing Program is open to applicants 17 years of age and older. The student must be 18 years old before taking the National Licensure Examination. All the rights, privileges, programs, and activities are made available to all students regardless of their religion, gender, race, color, and national origin.
Academic Requirements
Application forms can be obtained from Saint Michael College of Allied Health located at 1106 Bladensburg Road, N.E., Washington, DC 20002-2512. Applicants will be considered for admission to Saint Michael College of Allied Health Practical Nursing Program after completing the following requirements.
Submit proof of high school education: diploma, transcript, or GED
Obtain a minimum score of 76% on Reading Comprehension and 70% on Math on Entrance
The Admissions Committee is responsible for reviewing all applications and documents for admission. Successful applicants who are granted admission into the Practical Nursing Program are notified in writing. The successful applicants are required to return a signed copy of the application form and $75.00 application fees to the school’s admissions office two weeks before the start of classes. Admission is granted to qualified applicants who have met all the admission criteria and standards published in the catalog.